UT System employees are strongly encouraged to get vaccinated. as soon as possible.

Employees must notify their supervisor as soon as possible, self-isolate and complete a if they:

  • Have tested positive for COVID-19;
  • Develop symptoms of a COVID-19 infection;
  • Are awaiting COVID-19 test results;
  • Have had close contact with someone known to be diagnosed with COVID-19;
  • Have had known exposure to COVID-19 and are not fully vaccinated;
  • Have been advised to self-isolate by a health authority;
  • Have recently returned to the United States after traveling abroad; or
  • Have recently returned from a cruise (ocean or river).


If new or worsening symptoms develop, contact your health care provider.

The may be completed by the affected employee or the affected employee’s supervisor.


Those who have recently traveled within the United States should decide whether they need to self-isolate based on state and local travel restrictions and the rate of community spread to which they have been exposed. Up-to-date information and travel guidance are available from state and local health departments.

Self-isolation form

All UT System Administration self-isolating staff should promptly and accurately complete a self-isolation form. This form gives university staff the information they need to respond appropriately.


This form may be completed by the affected employee or the affected employee’s supervisor.


COVID-19 Testing

Testing is available at Ä¢¹½ÊÓƵ Medical Center (UTMC) at the remote tent location and all four urgent care centers. The university will cover the fee for testing through UTMC.


Contact tracing

The university will work in coordination with the Knox County Health Department to perform contact tracing. Anyone who submits a self-isolation form will be contacted by the university contact tracing staff within 24 hours.

The contact tracing team’s role is to check on an employee’s situation, help connect them to support resources, provide guidance, and help contact others who may need to take precautions. Employees are asked to promptly respond to communications (text, call, or email) from local health authorities and the university’s contact tracing team.


Where to self-isolate

  • Employees should isolate at home and away from others.
  • Do not return to work until receiving guidance from your physician or local health official.


How to self-isolate

Any employee who needs to self-isolate should:

  • Avoid close contact with others. Avoid sharing bathrooms.
  • Leave your residence only if absolutely necessary. Do not use public transportation.
  • Monitor your health. If you develop new or worsening symptoms, you should contact your health care provider or, if needed, your local emergency room for further evaluation. Always call 911 in case of emergency.


Reduce your chances of having to self-isolate

Get vaccinated. If you are not already vaccinated, and make an appointment as soon as possible.

By wearing a face covering as directed and keeping six feet of physical distance from others, employees can reduce their chances of having to self-isolate because of close contact with a person with COVID-19.

Reducing your chances of being a close contact is just one of the benefits of wearing face coverings as directed. Wearing a face covering and maintaining social distance protects you, protects others, and helps keep UT’s campus and facilities open.


If symptoms develop

If you are self-isolating as a precaution and develop symptoms, contact your health care provider or, if needed, your local emergency room. It is important to call ahead before going to a health care provider or ER.



Paid leave for employees

Supervisors should help employees understand paid leave options.


When you can stop self-isolating

Employees should follow guidance from their health care provider, the contact tracing team, or the Knox County Health Department on when they may stop self-isolating.


If someone in my department has decided to self-isolate, what should I do?

Unless your supervisor informs you that someone in your department has tested positive then you may continue to work in office. In the event of a positive test, the department head or supervisor will be contacted, and the office area will be closed for cleaning. It is the responsibility of the supervisor/department head to inform department members that there has been a positive test within the department. It will then be up to the employee to decide if they should self-isolate or get tested.