This page contains answers to questions regarding Presidential (Ensuring Adequate COVID Safety Protocols for Federal Contractors). The words “vaccine mandate” refer to the guidance in Executive Order 14042 and the Safer Federal Workforce Task Force’s .


Does the vaccine mandate apply to all employees? Part-time? Student workers?

The vaccine mandate applies broadly to employees who work on covered federal contracts (even if working remotely), those who work in connection with covered federal contracts, and those who work at the same location as employees who work on covered federal contracts or in connection with covered federal contracts The vaccine mandate applies in all locations in which covered employees work. Specific locations can be excluded from the mandate only when the institution can “affirmatively determine” that none of its covered employees are likely to be present in those locations during the period of performance for a covered contract. It will be up to each campus to make the determinations as to which employees and locations are subject to the vaccine mandate. The mandate does not apply to employees who perform work exclusively outside the United States

What if I don’t work on a federal contract?

The vaccine mandate applies broadly to employees who work on covered federal contracts (even if working remotely), those who work in connection with covered federal contracts, and those who work at the same location as employees who work on covered federal contracts or in connection with covered federal contracts The vaccine mandate applies in all locations in which covered employees work. Specific locations can be excluded from the mandate only when the institution can “affirmatively determine” that none of its covered employees are likely to be present in those locations during the period of performance for a covered contract. It will be up to each campus to make the determinations as to which employees and locations are subject to the vaccine mandate. The mandate does not apply to employees who perform work exclusively outside the United States.

We are closely reviewing the executive order and the guidance to determine how these new requirements will apply to UT employees at all campuses, institutes, extension offices and other locations and what processes need to be implemented in order to demonstrate compliance.

When will we know if this pertains to me?

We are closely reviewing the executive order and the guidance to determine how these new requirements will apply to UT employees at all campuses, institutes, extension offices and other locations and what processes need to be implemented in order to demonstrate compliance. In the meantime, we are strongly urging all UT employees who have not been vaccinated consider getting vaccinated.

How much federal funding does UT receive? What percentage is it of UT’s overall budget?

Federal funding in FY 2020 was over $742 million, making up 28% of UT’s overall budget. This funding supports UT jobs, research, outreach, and economic development.

What does the federal mandate implementation guidance require?

Because UT is defined as a “covered contractor,” by the federal standard it will be required to conform to the following workplace safety protocols:

  1. COVID-19 vaccination of covered employees, except in limited circumstances where an employee is legally entitled to an accommodation; such as a medical or religious exemption
  2. Compliance by individuals, including covered contractor employees and visitors (including students), with the guidance related to masking and physical distancing while in covered workplaces; and
  3. Designation of a person or persons to coordinate COVID-19 workplace safety efforts, and to coordinate implementation and compliance with the Guidance, at covered workplaces.

How can I show I’m vaccinated?

We expect covered employees will need to provide UT one of the following to prove vaccine status:

  • a copy of the record of immunization from a health care provider or pharmacy;
  • a copy of the COVID-19 Vaccination Record Card;
  • a copy of medical records documenting the vaccination;
  • a copy of immunization records from a public health or State immunization information system; or
  • a copy of any other official documentation verifying vaccination with information on the vaccine name, date(s) of administration, and the name of health care professional or clinic site administering vaccine

UT may allow employees to show or provide a digital copy of such records, including, for example, a digital photograph, scanned image, or PDF of such record.

Employees who wish to upload their proof of vaccination in anticipation of this likely requirement can do so in the IRIS Employee Self-service web portal.

What is the timeline for implementation? When do I need to be vaccinated?

To meet the Jan. 18 federal deadline, the latest possible dates to start the vaccination process according to the CDC for each of the three available vaccines are:

  • Dec. 7, 2021 for Moderna (two shots, four weeks apart + two weeks to take full effect)
  • Nov. 14, 2021 for Pfizer (two shots, three weeks apart + two weeks to take full effect)
  • Jan. 4, 2022 for Johnson and Johnson (one shot + two weeks to take full effect)

When do people have to be vaccinated by?

The Executive Order requires covered employees to be fully vaccinated by Jan. 4, 2022 to be in compliance with the Jan. 18, 2022 deadline.

Will I be required to get the booster shot?

An authorized COVID-19 booster shot is not required in the current federal mandate.

I have not been vaccinated. What’s my next step?

You can receive any of the three approved vaccines. The last dose of the vaccine must be received by Jan. 4, 2022 to be in compliance by Jan. 18, 2022. We have created a resource page to help employees find a vaccine appointment near them.

What are the consequences for those who refuse to comply?

We will share more information when it is available, including information about the consequences for covered employees who do not provide proof of COVID-19 vaccination.

What percentage of UT’s employees are already vaccinated?

We do not have that information at this time, as employees have not been required to provide vaccination status previously.

Does this apply to students?

We are still working to determine the impact on student employees.

Can I choose which vaccine I receive?


What if I participated in a vaccine trial for a provider other than Moderna, Pfizer and Johnson and Johnson?

Clinical trial participants who received are considered to be “fully vaccinated” two weeks after they have completed the vaccine series.

How will UT implement this?

The university has created a for employees to submit proof of vaccination.

How do employees find the IRIS link?

The link is in . Once in self service, click on Personal Information and Covid-19 Vaccination Verification. Full instructions are available.

Do I have to be vaccinated if I have had COVID-19?

Yes, the guidance specifically states that covered contractor employees who have had a prior COVID-19 infection are still required to be vaccinated; however, you may be eligible for a medical or religious exemption.

Do all employees have to wear a mask and social distance?

The executive order implementation guidance indicates covered contractors must follow CDC guidance around masking and physical distancing. Campuses will update and communicate their specific protocols based on CDC guidance, which utilizes community transmission rates to determine some requirements.

What does this mean for visitors to campus?

All visitors to campus must wear a mask indoors and observe social distancing guidelines in accordance with the CDC.

Do classrooms have to observe social distancing? By when?

The guidance requires that physical distancing should be implemented in all “covered contractor workplaces,” but this is required only “to the extent practicable.” Campuses will need to determine whether it is “practicable” to implement physical distancing in classrooms and labs.

What will the process be for exemptions?

The university created a portal in IRIS for employees to request a religious or medical exemption.

Where are the medical and religious exemption forms?

Forms are available on the Vaccination Verification Instructions page.

If I do not receive an exemption, what are my options?

We will share more information when it is available, including information about the consequences for covered employees who do not provide proof of COVID-19 vaccination.