To access the COVID-19 Vaccination Verification Form, log in to the IRIS Web portal in an internet browser at and then follow the instructions below.

Download the Vaccination Verification Form Instructions (PDF)



  1. Click the Employee Self-Service icon on the toolbar at the top of the page.
    Screenshot of the IRIS portal with Employee Self Service highlighted
  2. Click the Personal Information header in the center of the page.
    Employee Self Service Panel with Personal Information highlighted

    Note: Be sure to allow pop-ups in your browser and only click the Submit button once for best performance.
  3. Click COVID-19 Vaccination Verification in the Personal Profile section.
    Covid vaccination verification highlighted
  4. The “COVID-19 Vaccination Verification” form is displayed.
    vaccination verification form


Complete the “COVID-19 Vaccination Verification” form by following the instructions below.

  1. Verify your name and personnel number.

  2. Review this section for information about the process.
    Statement, Purpose, Scope, Exemption  Criteria, Compliance  Tlmellne
  3. Check the appropriate box to update your status.
    approved vaccines selection area
  4. The choices are:
    • Record the date you received the vaccination(s). Type in MM/DD/YYYY format
      or use the calendar to select the date.
      Highlighted vaccine option with date selected
    • Opt out of vaccinations based on either a medical contraindication or
      a religious exemption.
      Medical exemption highlighted
  5. To attach documentation, click Choose File and then navigate to the file that you want to attach.
    Choose file highlighted
  6. Click Submit.

  7. You will receive a confirmation message at the bottom of the screen after you submit your selection.